Patrick T. Noble

design, innovate, lead


team leader - problem solver - technical thinker - dedicated worker


  • 20 years working for globally recognized brands such as United Health Care-Optum, NASDAQ, Thomson Reuters, IBM, Fidelity Investments, and Harvard University, in addition to start-ups and mid-sized corporations across industries.
  • Full portfolio of inventive and creative web applications and software solutions.
  • Effectively work with customers to identify and solve their needs.
  • Work across development, marketing, sales, and business teams to meet customer needs.
  • Translate technical concepts and advanced functionality into design solutions that are easy-to-use and comprehend.


Agile UX, scrum, interactive design, human factors design, information architecture, wireframing, rapid prototyping, competitive research, customer interviews, user scenarios, personas, journey maps, usability lab testing & UI analysis.


Sketch, InVision, Balsamiq, iRise, Axure, Adobe Creative Suite, Camtasia, Morae, Visio, NovaMind, and Microsoft Office.



Toothbrush system utilizing oral care capsule patent granted: US US9808077B2

Thomson Retuers mHIE

System and method for managing mobile hie information US US20120296672A1


First Citizens Bank


Saved vendor costs charged by Avoka on a $3m project by creating design requirements, personas, use cases, journeymaps, wireframes, and prototypes in Axure based on research into current customer base and target prospects. Created POC new design patterns based on business goals and end-user research and testing.


Customer Journey Maps



Created the design direction and solution for $10 million market evaluation startup. Created personas flow charts, storyboards, and journey maps working with an end-user group of 35 students. Designed product with development from whiteboards, sketches, wireframes, and visual comps that we tested using Sketch prototype. Kruted is like Linked In but for high school students, enabling schools and candidates to find each other.

Persona specific tools

Optum - United Healthcare


Lead designer for identity management platform OptumID and Provisioning. Care coordination and data lake extension future product design.

Optum Sign In

Card Sorting


Site Map




Helped lead the redesign of legacy Investor Relations desktop and mobile application.

Managed and directed Client Advisory Board outreach research to over 250 clients with 80 interviews, surveys and usability tests.

NASDAQ - Advisory Service

NASDAQ - Dashboard

NASDAQ - Workflow

Thomson - Reuters
mHIE demo


Design iPhone Apps for emerging Health Information Exchange (HIE) business opportunity. Lead Designer on an industry first convergence of billing data with real time clinical data for Accountable Care Organization analytics tool. Created user centered designs that were instrumental in displaying capabilities that closed a $4 million services contract with VHA.

Patent: US US20120296672A1

Thomson Reuters - Targeting


Thomson Reuters - mHIE Demo

Thomson Reuters - mHIE Workflow

Thomson Reuters - mHIE Personas

Thomson Reuters - mHIE Whitepaper (built on my UX scenarios)



Migrated over 50 websites into integrated Dealer Services interface to improve process functionality. Surfacing key functionality for customized role based interfaces. Supported financing, vehicle service contracts, and F&I Product servicing representing over $19 billion in outstanding wholesale credit.

Ally - Calculator



Effectively worked with business, agile development, sales, marketing, and customers to define and execute requirements on time, on budget, while yeilding ROI.

Awarded best run beta program and launched Rational Business Developer’s first online community and resource center for EGL and Rich UI for Web 2.0 applications.

IBM - Jazz Wireframe

IBM - Jazz

IBM - Rational Sketching Tool, Wireframe

IBM - EGL Cafe

Fidelity Investments


Led over 40 successful projects including: Exchange traded funds, portfolio review, transfer money/shares, ECN, fixed income, mutual fund library, and specific share trading.

Fidelity Investments

Fidelity - ETF Evaluator

Fidelity - ETF Portfolio Design

Fidelity Portfolio Review

Harvard University


Delivered web site that supported learning and training of all employees to use a new $10 million web-based accounting system. This site 'A Better Learning Environment' (ABLE) provides web-based documentation for online financial tools, including chart of accounts, financial systems, and policies.



The product concept was a combined effort between Patrick and his wife. They came up with idea after seeing their small children, older parents and even themselves struggle with the messy tooth paste dispensers. They then mocked up concepts, rendered a 3d model, created animations, photo realistic images and a web site. Lise found and hired a local technology IP patent lawyer and together they proceeded to fight in litigation to obtain their patent for 7 years.

Patent: US US9808077B2


First there was Tooth Powder, then there was Tooth Paste, now there are ToothPods!


Toothpods were created with the concept that people could customize their own ToothPod design. They could choose the color of the dispenser elements, the brush, and the flavor/color of the Pods themselves. The idea was that they could also add a figure such as a dinosaur, racing car, or princess for kids - making the way for cross merchandising.



Joe Ranft
UX Coach and Strategist
Joe Ranft Design LLC
(formerly Fidelity)
You can always count on Patrick coming up with creative ideas and solutions.
Ryan Allen
Communications Strategist/Senior Writer
Bank of America
(formerly Ally)
Patrick certainly knows his area of expertise, often impressing me with his solid opinions and direction...

I highly recommend Patrick to any company looking to hire an employee who is not only hard working and dedicated but also greatly knowledgeable in web architecture and site design. Patrick certainly knows his area of expertise, often impressing me with his solid opinions and direction regarding the design of the site we worked on together at Ally Financial, Inc. Not to mention, he's a good guy and a great person to work with.

Ryan Allen

David Mitchell
Managing Director of Technical Sales
(formerly IBM)
You could count on Patrick to get the job done.

Patrick provided an attention to detail, and operated with a sense of urgency in my dealings with him on the IBM Brand team. You could count on Patrick to get the job done.

David Mitchell
